There’s nothing I love more than healthy and delicious finger food. Typically when you think finger food, you automatically think of something fried. Now don’t get me wrong, I love fried zucchini and fried pickles just as much as the next guy but those appetizers are anything but healthy. Some of my favorite finger food has always been nachos. Nachos are great because everyone has a different take on them which makes it fun to try at different restaurants. 

There are usually a few key ingredients in most nachos that you find. The first is some sort of tortilla chips. I decided to take the chips completely out of the dish because tortilla chips are not healthy and they don’t really add any flavor. You can also usually bet on finding some combination of tomatoes, cheese, sour cream, guacamole and more cheese. Instead of making a full guacamole I decided to simply cut up an avocado and use chunks instead. You still get that sweet flavor from the avocado without the hassle of putting a full guacamole together. I left the tomatoes, sour cream and cheese in for my sweet pepper nachos because who doesn’t love sour cream and cheese? If you’re dairy free you can leave both the sour cream and cheese out and just add some extra avocado.

The first time I made these nachos, I sort’ve just threw everything in a pot and mixed it together. For those nachos I actually threw everything over a bed of tortilla chips and they were awesome. However, this time around I was going for a healthier version so I just put the same ingredients inside of a sweet pepper and baked them for 10 minutes. It turns out they were even better without the chips and now they’re gluten free in addition to being vegetarian. These would be a great appetizer for any family party or sporting event such as the upcoming super bowl. Enjoy!

Sweet Pepper Nachos
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Prep Time
15 min
Cook Time
10 min
Total Time
25 min
Prep Time
15 min
Cook Time
10 min
Total Time
25 min
  1. 1 bag baby sweet peppers
  2. 1/2 cup canned whole kernel sweet corn
  3. 1/2 cup canned black beans
  4. 1 small haas avocado
  5. 1 roma tomato
  6. 3 tbsp sour cream
  7. 1/4 cup shredded cheddar cheese
  8. 1 bundle of green onion
  9. Cooking spray
  1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees F.
  2. Cut all of your sweet peppers in half (long ways) and remove the seeds.
  3. Combine black beans and corn in a small bowl and set aside.
  4. Dice the tomato and avocado and set aside.
  5. Spray a cooking sheet with cooking spray and place all of your sweet peppers face up.
  6. Place a small clump of beans and corn at the bottom of each pepper, then place a couple cubes of tomato and avocado over the beans.
  7. Bake in the oven for 8 minutes at 400 degrees F. After 8 minutes remove from the oven and sprinkle cheese over all of the peppers.
  8. Place peppers back in the oven for 2 minutes or until cheese is fully melted.
  9. Remove from heat and top each pepper with a dab of sour cream and green onion.
  10. Serve Immediately and enjoy!
Low Key Cooking